Our team
Both groups are complemented by our external collaborators and supporting team members, with whom we remain in contact. Individual members can be found at the links below.
About us
1) Lecturers

We have been teaching first aid at the Faculty of Science, Charles University since 2007. Since then, we have trained hundreds of students, pupils, paramedics, teachers and scientists.
The basis of our activities is the teaching of optional subjects intended primarily for students of the Faculty of Science of Charles University (but among students we often meet lawyers, medics or students of humanities). More about our courses for students can be found in the "Courses" section.
In addition, we offer first aid training for companies or "schools" (whether it is teacher or student training). We are able to have, for example, a "stand" on a sports or project day, or to intensively train groups according to how much time schools are willing to devote to first aid.
We also offer an accredited course "The medic of recreational activities" or, for example, courses "First aid for teachers I", "First aid for teachers II", "Basic standard of medical knowledge for teachers" and "First aid members" (these accreditation courses are taught only in the Czech language - the complete offer in Czech is here).
When time options allow us (most of our lecturers have their professional studies or jobs and we deal with first aid as a hobby) we provide medical patrols, we go to camps as paramedics or we just do a simulation for fun :-).
Follow us on our facebook:
- První pomoc na PřF UK ("First aid on Faculty of Science")

2) Research team
The research group began to form soon after the beginning of our work at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, but the "birth" lasted a little longer. We became a full-fledged research team only in 2017, when we began to systematically solve relevant projects and lead the first master's theses.
Outputs from our solved projects are scripts, methodological manuals, professional articles, conference papers and, of course, final, bachelor's and master's theses. you can find our results in the "Materials" section (in Czech).

3) Supporting members and external collaborators
Rescuers Žatec, z. s.
We cooperate with the association Záchranáři Žatec, z. s. ("Paramedics Žatec"), within which we form an internal group "Záchranáři Žatec - group Prague", we continue to educate, we provide medical patrols or first aid training.
- website: https://zachranari-zatec.org/
- Facebook: