First aid abroad

Situations where first aid is needed can happen to us not only in our own country, but also abroad. All we have to do is go on a study stay, a holiday or a short trip. And while in our country we can simply dial a specific emergency line for crisis situations and a qualified dispatcher can help us in our native language (giving clear instructions, describing the procedure, etc.), abroad it is more complicated.
A dispatcher in another state cannot be expected to speak our native language (especially if we are from a smaller state). However, the European emergency line 112 guarantees that its staff will be able to speak in basic world languages, especially in English. It is therefore a great advantage to have at least a basic English vocabulary for such cases. Not only will this greatly facilitate the emergency call process, but we can also communicate better with the injured person (and obtain the necessary information about them), as well as if we are injured, others can help us more effectively.
First Aid for Foreign Students
This course is intended for English-speaking students (e. g., ERASMUS+ exchange programme) and covers basic first aid techniques and competences with regard to the Czech Republic's system of emergency services and recommendations adjusted for non-Czech speaking people (such as students, tourists, etc.). For example, Czech speaking people are taught to use traditional national line "155" as the primary emergency telephone number. However, for foreigners, the international number "112" is recommended. Providing appropriate first aid should be one of the basic skills of every citizen has. This obligation arises from laws of the Czech Republic (as well as in a most of the other countries). The European Resuscitation Council regularly publishes recommended procedures for resuscitation and first aid, called Guidelines (currently "2021"). This document defines the correct procedures, which should be followed when providing or teaching first aid.

First aid, like any other discipline, uses some
specific terms and vocabulary. To make you feel more comfortable during the
course, we have prepared a set of vocabulary and learning modules for you (but don't worry, there is not going to be any kind of examination from this vocabulary etc. at the course).