"First Aid I + II"
(university textbook)
- It is a two-part comprehensive guide summarizing basic and advanced information regarding the provision of first aid.
- The content of the first part includes not only basic topics (safety, access to a person unconscious, resuscitation, arrest of massive bleeding), but also extended and additional topics (convulsions, stroke, spinal injury etc.). The first part was edited and translated into English in 2021 and it is currently covering all main topics which are included in our longer courses (especially for the course "First Aid Course for Foreign Students - MB180C25E").
- The content of the second part (which is currently available
only in the Czech language) includes expanding topics. You will find in it, for example, how to transport people with suspected spinal injuries, rescue from helmets, psychological first aid, "winter" topics such as avalanches, breaks on ice, injuries on the slopes, altitude sickness, but also topics "summer ", such as travel block - what about various insurance, what to observe abroad and what lines to call here (+ glossary of basic English terms), first aid in remote places, by the sea or how to prepare for an expedition to the jungle and much more.
"First Aid I"
(university textbook)
Authors: Mgr. Radim Kuba et al.
© Radim Kuba et al., Prague 2021
© Charles University, Faculty of Science
ISBN: 978-80-7444-088-5 (2. volume - Czech version)
What is it about?
- This is a comprehensive guide summarizing basic information about providing first aid. The content of this first part includes not only basic topics (safety, access to a person unconscious, resuscitation, arrest of massive bleeding), but also extended and additional topics (convulsions, stroke, spinal injury etc.).
- In 2021, textbook was updated according to the currently valid Guidelines 2021.
- The first part was edited and translated into English in 2021
and it is currently covering all main topics which are included in our
longer courses (especially for the course "First Aid Course for Foreign Students - MB180C25E"). Below you can see samples from the english version of the textbook.

Title page of the textbook

Samples from the textbook - topics "CPR" and "AED"
How to get the textbook?
The presented textbook is the basic study support of our medium and long courses. You will receive them at:
"First Aid II"
(university textbook)
Authors: Mgr. Radim Kuba et al.
© Radim Kuba et al., Prague 2020
© Charles University, Faculty of Science
What is it about?
- The content of the second part (which is currently available only in the Czech language) includes expanding topics. You will find in it, for example, how to transport people with suspected spinal injuries, rescue from helmets, psychological first aid, "winter" topics such as avalanches, breaks on ice, injuries on the slopes, altitude sickness, but also topics "summer ", such as travel block - what about various insurance, what to observe abroad and what lines to call here (+ glossary of basic English terms), first aid in remote places, by the sea or how to prepare for an expedition to the jungle and much more.
- In 2021, textbook II was updated according to the currently valid Guidelines 2021.
- The texbook is currenty available only in Czech language.
Title page of the textbook

Samples from the textbook - topics "Pressure damage to the body" and "Cooperation with IRS vehicles"
How to get the textbook?
The Czech version of the textbook can be obtained at our selected Czech courses.