What is it about?
- It is a two-part comprehensive guide summarizing basic and advanced information concerning the provision of first aid, but also its teaching. The handbook contains didactic materials and notes on how to teach first aid to lay rescuers, especially by experiential pedagogy.
- Both guides are currently available only in Czech language.
- The first part of the handbook deals with the so-called basic first aid topics (eg safety, control of consciousness and respiration, resuscitation, arrest of massive bleeding), but also contains expanding topics (eg chest pain, stroke). From the pedagogical-didactic issues it includes information on how to include first aid in school teaching, what are the current trends in lay first aid teaching (what are the goals, methods ...), how to plan first aid courses (course length , number of participants, scenario ...), how to organize exercises and simulations, the basics of camouflage, how to adjust teaching for different age categories of participants or the basics of crisis intervention.
- The second part of the handbook then deals with the so-called supplementary (advanced) topics and their teaching. Here you will find topics such as poisoning, allergies, diabetes, head injuries, traffic accidents, etc. From the methodological (pedagogical-didactic) issues, you will find here tips for lecturers in teaching in general (eg how to work with blackboards), how to do calling exercises on emergency lines ("how to make a dispatcher") and answers to what complications can arise in teaching first aid (and especially how to manage them).
- Due to the importance of prevention, we also tried to include advice and recommendations on selected places on how to avoid dangerous situations in selected places. This information can be used by teachers, for example, in occupational safety training or instruction in school trips, outdoor schools, excursions or before the holidays.
Current version
- Due to the dynamic development in the field of first aid (as well as in the field of its teaching and teaching methods), we have decided to revise, update and supplement both manuals so as to provide the most appropriate support for anyone who would like to teach first aid, targeting teachers or student teachers. The information and guidelines provided are based on the official guidelines for first aid ("Guidelines 2015"). We have expanded or slightly modified these procedures based on our many years of experience in teaching first aid at primary, secondary or higher education institutions and courses for the general public so that the information is better understood and applicable in school practice (for example, with regard to age and target group composition). ).
- We have therefore maintained the layout into 2 separate parts, which follow each other. The manuals are designed so that the information contained can be used by educators at their own discretion. Whether as a content of teaching ("what and how to teach"), or perhaps only in self-study as a review of selected theoretical foundations and orientation in currently recommended procedures. For more advanced topics, which usually do not have space left on short courses (and unfortunately not at all in the school environment), we tried to use the information, for example, as a basis for answering students' questions, or to be able to include selected topics in teaching. as a short (several-minute) extension and addition when discussing the basic states or in simulations.

Authors: Mgr. Radim Kuba et al..
© Radim Kuba et al., Prague 2021
© Charles University, Faculty of Science
ISBN: 978-80-7444-084-7 (Czech version)
What does the first part of the manual contain?
Titulní strana 1. dílu příručky
- As mentioned above, the first part of the methodological manual focuses on basic acute, life-threatening conditions (safety, control of consciousness and respiration, resuscitation, arrest of massive bleeding, etc.), but also includes extended topics (eg suffocation, chest pain, cerebrovascular event).
From the pedagogical-didactic issues it includes information on how to include first aid in school teaching, what are the current trends in lay first aid teaching (what are the goals, methods ...), how to plan first aid courses (course length , number of participants, scenario ...), how to organize exercises and simulations, the basics of camouflage, how to adjust teaching for different age categories of participants or the basics of crisis intervention.

Sample from the first guide
Sample from the first guide - topics "Beginning of the course" a "Stroke"
How to get the guide?
- The first part of the methodological manual is the basic study support of the course "First Aid for Teachers I (First Aid Didactics I)" (in Czech), which is accredited by the Ministry of Education. The course is taught under the auspices of the Department of Teaching and Didactics of Biology, Charles University in Prague and is intended for all those who want to learn more about first aid teaching. In this course, participants will learn not only the basics of first aid, but the course also contains methodological passages, such as how to teach first aid and how to use this guide.

Authors: Mgr. Radim Kuba et al..
© Radim Kuba et al., Prague 2021
© Charles University, Faculty of Science
What does the second part of the manual contain?
Titel page of the second manual
- As mentioned above, the second part of the methodological manual focuses on the so-called supplementary (advanced) topics and their teaching. Here you will find topics such as poisoning, allergies, diabetes, head injuries, traffic accidents, etc. From the methodological (pedagogical-didactic) issues, you will find tips for lecturers in teaching in general (eg how to work with blackboards), how to do call training on hotlines ("how to make a dispatcher") and answers to what complications and risks can arise in teaching first aid (and especially how to manage them).
Sample from the second guide
Sample from the first guide - topic "AED"
How to get the guide?
- The first part of the methodological manual is the basic study support of the course "First Aid for Teachers II (First Aid Didactics II)", which is accredited by the Ministry of Education. The course is taught under the auspices of the Department of Teaching and Didactics of Biology, Faculty of Science, Charles University and is intended for graduates of the course "First Aid for Teachers I (First Aid Didactics I)".
- In this follow-up course, time is even more devoted to the didactic aspects of first aid teaching. Participants will try to direct and give feedback in more advanced simulations and work with a larger group of participants (including masking and making an emergency call). The space is also devoted to, for example, the preparation of your own scenario and individual preparations for teaching first aid topics and exercises in their teaching. We will discuss what should be said in individual topics and create "materials" for all this (which the participants will then take away and can use in practice).